There is a lot of discussion lately about a recent ordinance that does not allow the homeless to be fed in Stranahan Park. The focus of the discussion seems to surround a 90 year old man and two ministers who have defied this ordinance and have continued to reach out and feed the homeless.
Arnold Abbot feeding the homeless in Ft Lauderdale
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as noon day” (Isaiah 58:10).
Arnold Abbott, who heads the group Love Thy Neighbor, the Rev. Mark Sims, of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church in Coral Springs, and the Rev. Dwayne Black, pastor of The Sanctuary Church in Fort Lauderdale. These men who diligently continued to feed the homeless have become such a light that we can follow, because they set an example.
Yet instead of praising them or joining in their efforts to help those that are less fortunate we punish them. We cite them, threaten jail, and demand that they appear in court to justify their actions. At what point did humanity become so cold towards each other that we must now justify helping another person.
This new ordinance is trying to remove the homeless from certain areas and by cutting of their resources they could be successful. “Out of sight out of mind” They want to remove the homeless because it is difficult or unpleasant to look at them. But if we don’t have to look at them we are in danger of forgetting that they’re there and we will forget to help them.
Mayor Jack Seiler has been quoted as saying, “I’m not satisfied with having a cycle of homeless in city of Fort Lauderdale,” said Seiler. “Providing them with a meal and keeping them in that cycle on the street is not productive.” There are many who believe that feeding the homeless only makes it easier for them to remain homeless, and it is true that simply giving them a meal won’t solve their problems.
However giving these people food is a small gesture of kindness which is the first step in helping them. That is what these men are doing for the homeless and for us by setting an example.