Welcome to Saint Laurence Chapel Day Shelter

Saint Laurence Chapel is a not for profit 501(c) 3 organization providing services to people who are homeless or near homeless. Saint Laurence Chapel Day Shelter has been providing help and hope to the homeless and hungry in Broward County for over 20 years. The services provided include hot breakfast and lunch, hot showers, clean clothes and towels, case management, group counseling, medical assistance, mailing address and use of telephone and other services to assist clients in meeting their basic needs.


To proclaim God's love for people who are hungry and homeless by providing hope and help in a caring, and non-judgmental environment.


A community where all are productive, safe, have voice, seen as worthy and accepted without judgement.

First Baptist Church of Nazarene youth donated time to Saint Laurence Chapel.

Crockett Foundation feeds the homeless at Saint Laurence Chapel Day Shelter.

  1. https://ichiyami.com
  2. https://billwelch.org
  3. https://www.tourismsafety.org
  4. https://cambridgecounselingcenter.org
  5. https://www.nyguilddigital.org
  6. https://www.koreanartsociety.org
  7. https://www.jimmynalls.net
  8. https://algomabookcorner.com
  9. https://www.haptics2013.org
  10. https://www.yosoymujerrural.com
  11. https://www.stlaurencechapel.org
  12. https://atlanticacohasset.com
  13. https://students3k.com
  14. https://redstonechurch.org
  15. https://kimberleybrowngraphicdesign.com
  1. https://www.crossingstoronto.com/
  2. https://summa-edu.com/
  3. https://www.cigjournals.com/
  4. https://www.photogearnews.com/
  5. https://www.johnsevierchapter.org/
  6. https://www.badenumc.org/
  7. https://post5theatre.org/
  8. https://thefriary.org/
  9. https://www.ceteresopolitano.org/
  10. https://www.alz-nova.org/
  11. https://www.jediism.org/
  12. https://cpawilmingtonnc.org/
  13. https://www.trinitychapelmn.org/
  14. https://sosenvironmental.com/
  15. https://bimometals.com/